Monday, 2 April 2012

Cane Toads and Dessert: a recipe for productivity

Want to improve your productivity?
In this video workshop, I take you through six different exercises that will help you have improve your productivity, freeing up space in your life to have more guilt free play time to enjoy. By the end of this video, you will have created a time budget, an unschedule, a prioritised task list and an accountability contract to achieve the Most Important Things in your life. Get the worksheets for the module here

Wah? What's all this?
I'm trialling Distributed Live Training (DLT) with my friend and fellow school for social entrepreneurs (SSE) student, Karen Corr. Tonight, Karen ran the above workshop with 10 young people out in Bendigo as part of the Make A Change program and apparently they loved it!

What is Distributed Live Training?
DLT is a new way of running personal and professional development workshops that could help Make A Change provide high quality training to change making organisations around Australia. Rather than having to train up hundreds of presenters, the idea behind DLT is to record a high quality workshop once and then be able to replay it as many times as you like. It still requires a facilitator to be there on the day to keep the group focused and to enable discussion. But rather than needing to be subject matter experts, facilitators can relax and concentrate on being good facilitators.

What do you think of this workshop and DLT?
Do you think this idea has legs? Any feedback would be appreciated.

1 comment:

John Baxter said...

Definitely sounds good in principle. What do educators think? (Keep in mind that educators can be very conservative, so a critical response may be forthcoming, but inappropriate.) Who out there is doing it already?