My mission, vision and values

My mission is to work with the next generation of leaders to create an ecologically sustainable world free from poverty.

I see an end to poverty driven by people working from the ground up to create sustainable wealth for themselves and for their communities.

I see a rapid transition to a carbon-free global economy powered by innovative technologies and creative community projects.

I see a world, where everybody takes responsibility for the consequences of their actions and their inactions.

I see these things and I act to make them happen.

I believe anything is possible when a group of passionate people unite around a common goal.

I do not and will never have all the answers, so I strive to learn and grow every day.

My life is guided by 5 core values:

- Meaning: I centre my life around creating meaning through my words and through my actions
- Growth: I look forward not back and aim to constantly improve
- Joy: I treasure each moment and smile and laugh as I make my journey
- Sharing: I care deeply about everyone I meet and give without expecting anything in return
- Audacity: I am not afraid to think big and act big