Wednesday, 2 September 2009


Did 5k (21:00) on the 'mill tonight in my trainers to test the foot and it was fine:) No pain at all. Good workout, spent a bit of time at 3:00/k.

Felt pretty flattened today. Accidentally got up at 4:40AM this morning and the lack of sleep must have crept up on me because I was quite light headed at work today, getting a rush of blood to the head every time I stood up. Bit disconcerting. I was getting it a lot at the start of the year and was sure it was due to low iron levels, but blood tests proved otherwise. Probably a combination of overtraining and slight hypoglycaemia (weight loss efforts going all out).

Lovely ride home tonight. Spring is here:D It's great being able to ride home without a jacket and pretty soon I won't need to turn my lights on either:)

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