Well the race didn't exactly go to plan. I made a bit of an amateur mistake and ate far too much for breakfast worrying that I'd run out of fuel otherwise. The result was I had plenty of fuel but wound up with a stitch that ended my chances of a sub 60 16k. It wasn't too bad, but any time I tried to push, it got worse, so I basically just jogged out the first 4k lap and let a lot of people pass me. As the race went on, the sloshing, bloated sensation gradually went away and I was able to ramp it up a bit. It actually worked out really well because I was passing people the whole of the rest of the race and that's always a nice feeling. The hill work was obviously helping as well because I felt very strong on the uphill sections and zoomed down the downhills. I finished the race feeling great with a big smile on my face, not having worked overly hard. It was my first runner's high in a while:)
Finish time was 63:30, which is not spectacular but it was a fairly tough course (longish grass with lots of turns and hills) and I finished in front of a few guys who had beaten me at the race in Bundoora and Ballarat.
Still a lot of work to be done. I'll be continuing with the hill reps this week, aiming for 90 km.
Weighed in at 64.6 kg on Friday. Time to get serious about dropping those 7 kg! I was expecting to have lost a bit during the bike tour but ended up basically where I was before. Ten weeks until the Melbourne marathon, I'd like to be 57kg on race day.
run: 192 km (6:24/k avg)
ride: 1554km
cross trainer: 1:30
xc skiing: 26.22km
Total time spent training: 104hrs
Run: 1940km (6:22/k avg)
ride: 8172km
xc ski: 429km
cross trainer: 16:15
TOTAL TIME: 741:55
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