I promised a write up of the Melbourne to Sydney trip, so here we go:
Sydney or bust:
The motto on our custom jerseys, though now inaccurate, is a good summary of what we're doing:
' 1271km (actually closer to 1100k)
15 days (actually 11)
5 guys (actually 6)
1 mission'
This Saturday,


Matt Morris
Myself (Jeremy)


and Matt Z (no pics)
will begin our journey. Loaded down with panniers, trailers, backpacks and overconfidence, we'll escape Melbourne and take the backroads all the way up to Sydney. We'll be living it rough, riding all day and then camping (mostly at caravan parks, but there is one night in Urana where we'll have to stealth camp:P) by night. The route will be mostly flat, but as we get close to Canberra, we'll have to deal with some serious hills.
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Day by day breakdown:
Day 1: Melb to Seymour (flat): 105k = 5.8hrs
Stay at Goulburn river caravan park - 70 Trevan st Seymour
Day 2: Seymour to Shepparton (flat): 85k = 4.7hrs
Stay at Goulburn Valley Motor village - 8047 Goulburn Valley Highway, Shepparton VIC
Day 3: Seymour to Wangaratta (flat): 97k = 5.38hrs
Stay at Justin's house
Day 4: Wang to Urana (stealth camping: flat): 133k = 7.38hrs (leave early that day:P)
Stealth camping
Day 5: Urana to Coolamon (flat): 133k = 7.38hrs (same)
Stay at Coolamon Caravan Park - Bruce St, Coolamon New South Wales 2701
Day 6: Coolamon to Cootamundra (hilly): 97k = 7hrs (^)
Stay at Cootamundra Caravan Park - 55 Mackay St, Cootamundra
Day 7: Coot to Binalong (hilly): 69k = 5hrs
Either stealth camp or stay at a motel (Binalong hotel)
Day 8: Binalong to Canberra (hilly): 85k = 6hrs
Canberra carotel caravan park - Zelling Street Watson ACT
Day 9: Canberra to Goulburn (hilly): 94k = 6.64hrs
Day 10: Goulburn to Mittagong (up and down): 117k = 7.5hrs
Stay at Mittagong Caravan park
Day 11: Mittagong to Sydney (downhill all the way!): 112k = 7hrs
Stay at Backpackers Central Youth Hostel or Sheralee Caravan Park Rockdale
It's going to be tough, no doubt about it. We have to get to Sydney by the 18th so Anand can catch his flight back, so that means we can only really take two rest days. One will be in Canberra and the other will kind of be for emergencies.
My leg's still bothering me, though this time it's my left one. I think it might just have something to do with the height of my seat on my bikes. Matt Z pointed out that it was very low on my road bike during a ride on Saturday and indeed after we raised it, my leg felt a lot better. Riding my crappy commuter to uni today though, I was getting pain behind my left knee and I bet it was because the saddle was fairly low.
I'm really feeling in limbo at the moment. It's a fairly minor injury, but I want to get it fixed up so that I can feel confident about being able to put in some hard weeks without having to take multiple days off afterwards. I've got an appointment with the physio tomorrow, so I'll see what he says. My current thinking is to take the rest of the week off and then shoot for 70kpw during the tour. 5k morning and night shouldn't stress the legs too much I hope. He'll presumably give me some exercises/stretches to do as well.
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