Friday, 19 June 2009

Good week

It's been a pretty good week of training. Started off completely knackered from the race on Saturday and the skiing on Sunday and 15k of hill reps on Tuesday didn't help matters either! Three easy days since then though have given my legs a chance to recover and I feel pretty good at the moment. Did an 8k run round the trails near my house and my legs felt quite supple and my stride quite smooth for the first time in ages. Fridays seem to be a good day for that I've noticed. My pace has still been very slow (6:40/k) but I'm soaking up the mileage and I don't think I'll have any issues doing another 45k over the weekend to rack up 125k for the week.

I'm heading up to Ballarat with two Matts for company as we take on the Lake Wendouree XCR 15k race. Not really concerned with a time (56:xx would be nice though), just looking to get the legs pumping and the blood flowing. My training mantra at the moment is very much quantity over quality. I'm not really training optimally to do well at races right now (I mean, I averaged a lot faster than this when I first started out running!), but I definitely feel like the work I'm doing now is going to help me in the long run. If all goes well, I'll hit peak mileage (155kpw) at the end of August, just in time for Half Marathon season in Melbourne.

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