Friday, 1 May 2009

Recovering slowly

That Half Marathon really knocked the stuffing out of my legs. I've eased back a lot this week but still don't feel too fresh. My left shin was a bit bruised and gave off a bit of sharp pain at the start of the week, but thankfully it seems to be better now. It was probably all the downhill pounding on asphalt.

Puffing Billy's on Sunday, so I'll take it very easy tomorrow and hopefully will be able to beat the train!

I ordered some shoes from (very cheap especially with a 15% off voucher) and they arrived today. Three pairs of Brooks ST4 Racers and a pair of Mizuno cross country/track spikes. I really loved the ST3s (I've got four of them) and the ST4s feel just as good and look heaps cooler! With the new arrivals, I have over ten (!) pairs of shoes that I can rotate. I reckon this maximises the life of the shoes. My two pairs of heavy trainers are almost up to the 650k point after which they'll be relegated to trail runs only, so I think I'll be doing most of my runs in flats pretty soon.

The XC spikes (black ones) will be getting a christening pretty soon when I do my first ever proper cross country race at Warragul on Saturday week. I've finally joined an aths club (Athletics waverley) and am planning on doing all the XCR runs on the calendar.

Weight was down to 67kg today:) Only 9 to go! I've embarked on what I call the Prince/Pauper diet. 'Eat like a King at Breakfast, like a Prince at lunch and like a pauper at dinner time' I used to always eat gigantic dinners, but it's really a stupid idea unless I've got a very long run planned the next morning. There's absolutely no need to carbo load for 6/7 of my morning workouts, so the extra food was getting converted straight into fat.

I got back into the calisthenics this week and am managing 75 pushups per day quite comfortably. Pullups (15) and bicycles (150) are the easy part.

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